“How could your experience be valued in relation to a community of interest?” (P. Oliveros, "Quantum Listening",1999)
Pauline Oliveros’ Sonic Meditations are 25 pieces created in the early 70s “based on the structure of human attention” that bring together music and meditation in order to increase awareness often in a playful way.
These three sessions are related to the work of composer Pauline Oliveros and her ideas on Quantum listening strategies for “going below the surface of what is heard”. It will also develop an interest in the politics at stake in the act of breathing (Bifo, Breathing, MITpress, 2019), the effects of gentrification on imagination and social responsibility (Schulman, The gentrification of the mind, UC press, 2013) and critical attempts for understanding the history of Brick Lane (Jacobs, Edge of Empire, Routledge, 1996) and its present (The Gentle Author’s blog https://spitalfieldslife.com/2021/05/26/the-battle-for-brick-lane-exhibition/).
House of Annetta
House of Annetta was originally opened in 2021 as a new social centre to support spatial justice and land reform - building on the ethos of the Edith Maryon Foundation, which was established in 1990 to decommodify property and who is the current steward and legal owner of the house. Our ambition for the project is to slowly grow an organisation in parallel with the continual construction of the building. We want to honour the critical, uncompromising and complex way in which Annetta lived - to be careful, political and inventive. We hope that in the future, the house can be an evolving resource that supports people with time and space to think critically about the world around them.
The image was created using Annetta Pedretti's “WHAT WOULD A FLAG FOR A MULTI- CULTURAL SOCIETY LOOK LIKE”, 1991.